Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Auw..... sweet like lolipop...


Hai Korang....

tengah-tengah bukak email untuk delete mana-mana email yang dah lama, tiba -tiba terpandang, terbaca, tertengok la email yang my hubby ( dulu kawan-kawan je la), sent dekat nana. Hahaha... macam nak tergelak pun ada gak...hahaha... 

Sebelum kami bertunang, nana ada sent beberapa soalan dekat dia, nak tahu isi hati dia. Macam mana nana terfikir pasal soalan tu pun nana tak tahu la. Konon nak uji la, dia cinta sejati nana ke tidok.. ala.. konon je la.. padahal masa tu memang hati dah membuak-buak suka kat incik hubby... 
*auwww.. malu ok :")*

Tadaaa........ Ini soalan dia... 
*sambil tutup muka dengan bantal*

1. What is the relationship of you and her?
 Hoping to move forward from friend to lovers...

2. Your 5 impressions towards her.
i - I love u so much
    ii - I miss u so much
    iii - I feel like i want to hug u!!!
    iv - the face i cant forget
    v - i love the way u are...(ur smile, ur laugh, ur care, kecomelan u, kegedikan u)

3. The most memorable things she had done for you.
 Utk jangka masa yang singkat ni....yunk i love when u care for sweet...terlalu indah bagi i walaupun utk selama seminggu...thanks

4. The most memorable things she have said to you?
I do love u k (terharu dgr...tersipu2 malu kat ofis time tu...hahaha)

5. If she becomes your lover, you will...
 - Take a good care of her...
 - always try to make u happy everyday coz i love to see ur smiley damn adorable...
 - always be by ur side when u need me...anytime..anywhere...
 - Love u everytime, everyday, everynight and forever...i love u so much..

6. If she becomes your enemy, you will...
Tembak ngn senapang la...just xkn jumpe die lg la until my feeling toward her is gone...sorry yunk...have too...

7. If she becomes your lover, she has to improve on...
 Mood swing!!! yang ni CONFIRM!!! u became so stubborn when ur mood swing la cayunk...

8. If she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
If she had another boyfriends...

9. The most desirable thing to do on her is?
 Marry u...u yang ni i xmau mengharap sgt...xmau la pikir kedepan sgt...kalau ade jodoh..ade ni yg i desirable sgt la..seikhlas hati...

10. The overall impression of her is...
 I like u, i adore u, and i love u so much...

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
This one im not sure...never ask them..but the only feedback that i get is..."Shah tu baik", "Shah tu ok je", "Shah tu manis pe". (yg ni bkn i ckp eh)

12. The character of you for yourself is?
Kesabaran...I try my best tu be patience with the problem i have...

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
 i ni senang percaya pada org...dan senang xpercaya pada org...

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
None others than myself...i love myself so much...and i try to improve myself to be a better man...

15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
 Thank you for the caring...i really appreciate it...i hope something can work out between us...i really looking forward to see happy with u...i love u...miss u so much...and once again i would like to say thanks coz make me remembered how was the feeling...feeling to fall in was so demmm great...

Auwww.... serius... terasa sweet gila dia masa ni.... hahaha... alhamdulillah.. akhirnya jodoh kami ke jinjang pelamin jugak.. jodoh kami berdua kuat. even kami kenal sangat la sekejap. dalam beberapa minggu kenal dah bertunang... I love u Hubby

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